>>9031631"Hiroquois prisoner was brought down to Kébec, to be put to death there by the Savages. Here are the details of his torture as related to me by Father de Quen. As soon, said. he, as this poor [page 295] victim stepped ashore, the women seized him and led him to their Cabins; there he was made to dance. Meanwhile a Fury appeared, armed with a whip of knotted cords, with which she rained blows upon him around his arms, with as much rage as she had strength; another struck him upon the chest, the stomach, and the belly, with a great stone; and a [268] third gashed his shoulders with a knife and made the blood flow in streams. A little while afterwards a Savage, as dry and fleshless as a skeleton, having been sick for several months, regained his strength at the sight of this wretch, jumped upon his neck, caught him by the ear like a dog, greedily bit it off, and placed it in his mouth..."