>>12625618nife image btw
is this from danbooru or pixiv?
what tags does it have (anything like blindfold, viseer etc stuff overvthe eyes, I really like the aesthethic)
>how depressed he ismy intention is not to motivate depressed people my intention is for layfolk to gobble up my words and buy my book for that sweet sweet revenue
idk, I guess I'm just built different
>share with anybodybut would you mind if you had to share it? what if you got to share it with someone special?
>give upthat's the last thing you should do
you should really bump that to biweekly for good meassure, you wouldn't risk it for a biscuit
and prostate cancers have seen a fall after the rise of pornography so like... yeah
nafap is for coomers, you're not a coomer nor were you ever a coomer
you are treating a minor scratch by devoting your life to insanity
the damn is gonna burst one day and it will be bad
sin a little so you don't sin big
pretty standard lesson in life
people drink moderatively on friday, saturday and sunday
people that don't drink end up drinking everyday to the point they have to stop drinking alltogether
sin a little so you don't sin a lot
of allas sin a little before your prostate needs a removal
it goes without saying that after 35 you'll need to check your prostate anyway