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Other than these people, i get mall walkers who stare me down like we're in a quickdraw contest at high noon, and skeezy drug dealers snooping around looking for people to deal to.
God i hate what malls have become. When i was a kid, we had a disney store, a candy store, we had a play place area, now all we have is american eagle clothes, Chain jewelry stores and mudshits in cellphone accessory booths who only sell shit for phones 3 generations old.
The only people here today are niggers trying to steal shit because they're all recognized at the inner city malls, so they drive an hour out here to shit up our malls. Or they take the bus.
No one but niggers and spics come here anymore because your car keeps getting broken into, niggers hassle you in the aisles, beaners change their kids diapers right out in the middle of the hallways, the stores all have to jack up their prices because the mall is failing and is squeezing the retailers, so a $20 dollar item costs $27.99.
Fuck i hate what this mall has become. Used to be my favorite place.