>>13555538Activision is a subsidiary of tavistiock and wow is a skinner box data farm for the gamification of the world. Blizzard games are completely littered with esoteric symbolism (noshitsherlock). I played a fair bit of wow in my time .t paladin
>>13555537That's okay it's not for every one, I am very autistic about ancient symbolism, symbolism in general and I know I'm a bit ahead on the spectrum. Not all information will make sense when you recieve.
I spoke on signs and observing how the creator speaks to those through the world. I have been given signs my entire life, for example the whole ke thing. I had no idea what any of it meant when I found it. It took time for the information to synthesize and make sense. I am trying to explain extremely esoteric concepts in a very basic way and it's on the presupposition that those participating in this conversation are at least on a similar schizo2 level as me and have about 20 years of research to work with but i'm trying to bridge that gap :^)
>>13555540>>13555542@ayywallmaos gab and twitter
#wormpill on rizon is my channel any one is welcome
I will ops abuse you if your an ass hat though :^)