>>569583>Left and right in political terms aren't about identity politics,It can involve identity politics. Frequently involves some kind of group-ism, be it about class or "humans" or "humans and sentient animals".
I don't have a problem with it until the act drops and people attack.
This shit has OBVIOUSLY gone far beyond mere equality/inclusiveness. It's now open season on Whites.
Ironically, you have a lot of working class Whites getting blamed for the actions of the upper class elite Whites of the past...
>but rather about whether society is controlled by the people-snip-Even that is basically identity politics. The "working class" view of itself often takes on the form of romantic nationalism.
>The "SJW" types are typically neoliberals such as the establishment Democrats in the US.I'd word them as : post-structuralist, moral marxian keynesians with heavy crypto-nationalistic and crypto-matriarchal tendencies.
>and support policies designed to keep control of society in the hands of the rich- they are right-wing by definition, though not as far right as most Republicans. Not sure about this. They seem to HATE capitalism, but not so much when it benefits them.
>Trust me, I and many others like myself are just as opposed to SJW types as we are to white supremacists and such, go lurk on /leftypol/ a bit if you don't believe me.That's reassuring. I'll start lurking /leftypol/.
>Anyway, I have to go so I won't be able to reply unless this thread is still up a few hours from now,Yeah, probably going to sleep after posting this. If the threads up tomorrow I'll reply or check it out.
>-snip- suggest checking out some books by Peter Kropotkin , -snip- Bakunin's worksFamiliar with Kropotkin, not with Bakunin. Will check out anyway.
>-snip- do you happen to post on /lgbt/ by any chance? I remember having a similar long-winded discussion there with a right-wing britbong-snipWasn't me. Usually stay in /pol/. Should raid/wander more often.