>>20723471wrong, neets are one step up on the "foodchain' from wagies, neets have a little bit of "rebel" appeal, wagies are completely unfuckable
The natural sexual market value (for women) goes something like this:
1. terrorists, psychopaths, and mass murderers (super power/presitge/danger-excitement)
2. criminals (it's why they market nogs as such) (dangerous power/challenge)
3. powerful men (boring power/advantages)
4. pretty boys, and sexual "alphas" (evolutionaty appeal)
5. fascists, cops, and opinionated men (strong men) (lesser evolutionaty appeal)
6. sadists, sickos, rapists, and dangerous men, and men witb severe problems (aspects of female psychology and sexuality)
7. rich men (advantages)
8. etasblished men (doctors, plain men with good jobs) (providers)
9. winos and invalids (filth, and self sacrifice fetish)
10. neets (manlets - rebelled non-men, hive bugs with a little bit of personality and testosterone, rogue ants, with elements of wino/invalid appeal) (lowest ranking men who are still "fuckable")
11. poor wagies (non-men, hive bugs with phalluses, and some economic provisions - last resort)
12. nice guys (pathetic non-men, if they ever get some they will no longer simp)