>>17694359>Knowledge Bomb. Giant Creature Remains, Dinosaurs & Earth Theory's1) [Giant Creature Remains]
Giant Creatures exists before the Dinosaurs & there Remains are found on all continents.
The Remains have been hidden in plain sight(since few actually look for them & its hard to cover up something like a mountain), but they can be found.
First, understand/research several topics(Erosion, Ocean levels, Fossilization/How Fossils are Formed & Found, Decomposition,etc)
Then use Search methods that give you a bigger perspective on things(Planes/Drones, Satellite imagery/Google Earth, Large Mining/Drilling equipment/vehicles,etc)
2) [Dinosaurs]
Most Dinosaurs died out not by a supposed "Asteroid", but by Starvation(Due to progressively getting bigger & bigger, requiring more food to stay alive).
The ones that didn't(Small Theropods) became either Birds & something else.
That "something else" is a true descendant of those Dinosaurs. It managed to survive,thrive & evolve, even in time periods of Mammal Dominance. They are found in certain Jungle regions of Africa,South America & Asia.