>>17515979>It's called decency and showing respect to others.What about someone else's respect for another person's opinion? Since when did respect go only one way, the trannies' way?
Trannies are an example of what happens when you say relative, subjective truth is as good as objective truth. In particular, they will treat objective truth as non-existent to maintain who they say they are. Once you do that, something interesting happens: you are no longer in a position to say that your truth is greater than someone else's.
But trannies don't want that: they want their own truth to be arbitrarily declared superior to other people's truth. So really, what you're dealing with here is a "might makes right" group of people, which explains both their allegiance to the state as well as their violent, beligerant behavior towards those who disagree with them. That's hardly a person who is worth respecting. In fact, such a person deserves to be disrespected for the greater good of showing that trannies are not good people, without exception, and others should not copy them.