>>148550945turk city states in central asia didn't help each other when they were attacked by umayyad ar*bs 1300 something years ago so they fell to conquering ar*bs one by one. city of buhara which was ruled by hatun (title meanining female ruler) kibac got attacked first and she told the other city states that they will be next if they don't help. other leaders didn't listen
>>148551231no it's the worst age. ottom*ns were a degenerate racemixed umayyad empire. it didn't start as one but soon got taken over. our history is ancient, much more than this (((official))) history below. WE literally WUZ
https://youtu.be/zHXAYq5VBj8>>148551752>invader slav animal trying to say somethingyour time will also come slavshit