aussie has been quiet a lot lately
>>11561127why would they ban me
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally am 100% not feeling okay
fact is I actually replied ti your last post but something must've gone wrong since it didn't post and I lost the very long and very tedious to write again text
then I was already on rode with Ivy and DHL and though I can muster some concentration when either one speaks by part ignorring whatever they be saying- I just can't fix enough concentration to write this all up when both of them speak
not to mention I have a foggy mind recently and can't think straight for a minute so 7/24 lately I've been thinking like I said nothing but nonesense this entire time and I'm highly irritated by other people as I feel like I'm beinhmg judged for having cooked ham for a brain lately
I just... I just can't; I exhausted all of my adaptive and motivating mechanisms and I just can't sit down for a minute to study for uni
like whats the point even, I caught a severe case of curse and whatever I do I'm bound to fail and get fucked over by others
might aswell just end things while spirits around me are high
I can't handle pressure nor responsibility anymore
before I atleast went to bed feeling like shit and a failure but I'd still wake up refreshed feeling like another chance- which would last for several hours- nowadays it lasts for minutes or is alltogether absent... whuch js bullshit