You pick her up and head back to the airship, before laying her down on the seats.
She keeps sleeping through it all.
She stands out in the open like pic related as you walk out.
Arume: "So, how do you want to do this?"
You go to sit back, when Faith leans over and whispers.
Faith, whispering: "H-hey, about what Jun said..."
You unload into one of the trees you saw an Arume behind.
After a few seconds, you manage to saw it in half and finish off the Arume behind it, the tree tumbles to the ground.
The tank is getting a bit closer, you see it fire a shell in the direction of one of the friendly tanks, missing slightly.
You know on the door and, a few moments later, it opens.
There's an old man with a shotgun on the other side.
He's pointing it at you.
Old man: "Hey, who tha' hell are you?"
He lowers the shotgun after seeing that you're a man.
Old man: "Eh, you ah'' of those resistance guys?"
>>8007611It's a good ride, despite the poor road quality now.
You can see some birds flying free in the blue sky as the sun shines down on the forest around you.
Jun sneezes.
Jun: "Achoo! Ugh... do you think someone is talking about me?"
Erin: "Ooo, cat ears..? So that's what you're into..."
She quickly notes something down on a notepad on her desk. before re-bandaging your stomach wound.
She then heads to your back to clean that up.
Erin: "Mmmm, they really did a number on you, eh?"