>had to eat mb>>11522045Hope you make me eat those words one day, girl.
>>11522049>>11522067>>11522075>23. Once more the mage finds himself in the familiar hallway, along with 23 other different competitors. This time the setting seems to be in... a empty farm? The mage doesn't really get it. Suddenly the mage finds himself face to face with yet another, unknown assailant. However just like before, she was easily dispatched with a quick uppercut....You, know if this is all the completion has to offer, then I'm seriously worried for the well being of the other competitors.
>>11522099...Just how do I use thi-
>Unfortunately for Kakashi, the mage had no experience with driving and ends up in a fatal accident. His face smashes into his skull, the oil from the car mixing with blood and brain matter as his limp corpse falls to the side with a dull 'thud.' The muffled gurgle of a scream could be heard for not even a second before he falls silent. The body of what used to be Kakashi just lays there, pooling blood and oil rapidly underneath it.