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Fucking nerds on /pol act like they're White supremacists but reality is your PARENTS,COUSINS,SIBLINGS don't give no shit about racemixing and see nothing wrong with it.
North Africans and TURKS now these are actual anti-race mixing CULTURE, where everybody from the GRANDMOTHER to the youngest child hates racemixing, where marrying someone from another ethnic origin means getting DISOWNED by your parents and seen as a RACE TRAITOR.
/POL be like "Urrr durrrr everybody wants WHITE GENOCIDE"
Nobody wants to mix with u Whities aside of BLACK PEOPLE.
In France White women are begging North Africans to accept diversity and racemixing but we never marry them, we just fuck them when we're in highschool/college and throw them away when we 're ready to marry and reproduce.
You guys are outliers in your own families let alone ethnic groups and you act like you're the proudest ppl on earth hahahahaha get real nerds.
I know my childrens and grandchildrens will be of the same race as I am.
No American can say the same. FACT