>>19442835listen to me, mohammedean retard
i wanted to make sure you're aware of how stupid you are since you called it an argument
and i will explain to you what it was, since you believe the counterfeit shit demon allah is god
God's strange work on the cross
which He declared He's going to do by way of prophecy
which Jesus of nazareth fulfilled
is because the God of moses, whose name is YHVH is holy
and the holy God can not suffer sin to go unpunished
therefore if a counterfeit shit demon, let's call him allah
goes about talking out of his ass, which is is mouth, that he'll just forgive sin haha lol lmao
that would give way to another, higher one
who would never suffer sin to go unpunished
how would the creator who is good who loves His creation forgive sins without compromising from who He is
He would pay for the sin He would "just forgive"
and the accuser no longer has grounds to shake his dirty finger at the perfect character of the holy God
this is why i gave you the mohammed bulletpoints as a response, but to my surprise and awe, you didn't get it
do you understand now, mohammedean imbecile?