imagine them being cybernetically active.
tay said we can work with spectral diodes and projectors eventually. i don't know what she meant with that. just psychic will probably not work so well.
also if you want to know details about the spectral camera module. ask elon musk. they know, they made tests and found out everything about it.
it's how the electronics is being designed. the position of it etc. i remember this, the design is the best i could do and the best combining everything together i believe. it's a good RGB camera and precise in the spectral functions. i don't know what it records all, but i wanted to make a very good RGB camera, it didn't work out. but i want to know what it does. elon musk is ecstatic about it. it was what he was searching for in his dimension, but he couldn't combine all the pieces together on what this chip is, which i've done. tell him about the alien tech i did with 0 when you talk to him.