>>15622811Welcome to /SIG/, a classic staple not only of /pol/, but all of 4chan. This is political because many of the established forces want you weak, undisciplined, and unable to forge your own destiny. Will you be an endless consumer doomed to become a couch potato that believes everything on television? Or will you RISE to meet the challenges of each and every day. it is imperative for each and every one of you to exercise at least 4 times a week and reject degenerate fatty foods. Stop making excuses and DO THAT THING YOU WERE PUTTING OFF.
Read books. Do your own research with alternative search engines or physical libraries. Question everything you see on television. Assume a motive for everything. Trust yourself and very few others. Listen to music that inspires you, not music that demoralizes you. Work on a skill, a trade, a craft. MASTER YOUR CRAFT. MASTER YOUR MIND.
Do not ever assume that things will magically work out. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You will end up sucking cocks for cash and shooting heroin under a bridge if you do not develop realistic and tangible plans to become who you were destined to be. If you see a SIG thread that promotes degeneracy, then it isn't legitimate. BE STRONGER IN MIND AND BODY.
You are worthy of more. You deserve more. Do it. Realize your full potential with the hybridization of knowledge, willpower, discipline, and excellence. If you are at that point in your life, consider building a legacy. This can be via family or even a business. ESTABLISH YOUR DOMINANCE. ESTABLISH YOUR LIFE.
>WORLD WAR 3 MIXhttps://youtu.be/RNOBQdKMbl4>Fallschirmjager Songhttps://youtu.be/eA34mVebwdA>Triarii - On Wings Of Steel https://youtu.be/DQAPq73dMug>Triarii - Anthem From The Iron Flamehttps://youtu.be/AM6B58dWb2g>Arditi - Destiny Of Ironhttps://youtu.be/zcPGOlVLpGA