>>13853322this is was in april 2020https://
www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/story/2020-04-19/encinitas-protesters-say-beach-and-trail-closures-are-unfair-violate-their-freedom alot of us were I live never boguht into it there was a trump caravan going down the 101 regularly for a while and I once saw a guy who had made his car like a taxi but it said stop china virus or something like that, I will never get the vaxcine ever
>Encinitas protesters carried signs with phrases such as: “This is punishment not protection,” “Surfing is not a crime,” “Government knows best LOL,” “Your fear doesn’t remove my rights,” and “Commies can’t surf.”Some protesters carried Trump 2020 signs and flags, and many waved American flags. Drivers in dozens of vehicles on South Coast Highway honked for the protesters, including an Encinitas fire truck.