>>11034496"justification" is nothing more than agreed upon boundraries where something considered immoral in a set time's zeitgeist can be practiced
it's mostly a cultural thing, as even taking in consideration biology and other cofactors they pale in importance to how a person was raised aswell as how the person raised themself, no matter from what department you pull your argumemt out if the masses condemn it it sure as fuck will be condemned wether you like it or not
might is right, never fool yourself it ain't so, even thd justice system can proclaim their right to condemn from the might that it accumulated over the time
most judges are criminals themselves, jury too, lawyers especially
in a sense terms such as justice and fairnesss are also cultural, as no inherent value exists for any of the abstract concepts, then again inherency isn't necessarily something to be seeked out either
meaning is a vague term, as meaning usually points out the structure rather than some "end goal"
but only planned processes seem to have an "end goal" but it's not like they need it, it's not like the processes end immediately upon reaching that goal
theres no point to it, but like it's not like it matters, so many people give it so many people lack it and yet they are all the same and totally different depending on how you look at it
the world just works, because not working isn't necessarily possible or maybe it isn't prefferable or it just rarely happens we just don't know and we don't have to pretend like we do