>>4348691Notice Saturn in Gemini. Next post you will see the WTC attacks. When thinking about this for a long time, I've come to two possibilities. One- there is literal archetypal, synchronous correlation between the activities of humans on earth and the position of the planets. Or two- there are people at the top, darkly enacting events like 9/11 literally according to the positions of the planets because they believe in the occult themes. Option one would imply that al queda just moved according to their own whims that happened to be in the context of the positions of three planetary bodies (Pluto-Saturn opposition, each at a 90 degree square to the Sun). They were synchronizing with planetary movements unbeknownst to them.
In the second one, this was an orchestrated ritual human sacrifice meant to correlate with the planetary positions, imbued with symbolic significance (the destruction of the two pillars of the world economy, ritual human sacrifice witnessed by a billion people-1/6 of the planets population watching- the reconstructed two buildings united as one in a weird but likely significant geometric shape, the shifting of the planets nations into a new age of global diplomacy).
Next post will show the 9/11 attacks.