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the post-ape modern-human male brain sees a scantly clad female geometric form & naturally has thoughts of adultery triggered. this naturally reaction to this geometric shaping is still engaged when it's scaled on a smaller scale (child scantly clad) or if it's the same geometric shape but with a slight geometric change in the pelvic region (transsexual).
but psychological/sociological science reaffirms that the healthy function is the natural function, which is heterosexual mating with like-aged individuals.
the mind is tricked by the geometry when it's projected from a trans or child and is typically too primal, self-indulgent & egomaniacal to resist the natural response of the brain reacting to the geometry, where the mind just goes with it and adds this other similar geometric form to the category of sexual interest.
it's an unhealthy & weak track taken by weak post-ape primal minds.