they're fake, gay, but damn-it, the concept sure has made a lot of people rich making fear and incredulity profitable. ironically Nukes are just cool usages of tons of TNT (ref: Chiam Weizman, zionist inventor of TNT)
film, video, grapics and weaponized propaganda.
Always was and will always be..
They're nothing but MADE FOR TV theatrics, and our grandparents bought into the fear and excepted HA, practically celebrated complete and total slavery to the TV, Radio, Mass Media. simply put: BRAINWASHED!
Tricked into accepting all sorts of rushed, devastating and out right apocalyptic devices, tech and Co.
one could argue: The Happening of happenings already happened.. War of the worlds broadcast should have been a tell of communist infiltration of media to do harm. once they achieved the data needed on how to cheat and trick the human beings ability to react, they could take this data and use it perpetuate further tricks on the general public in order to steal money, grab power, or heck ; just set up a totalitarian , technocratic, invisible, invasive supra-government.
You inherited this burden, but you can get out the plato's cave. You dont have to be such an NPC slave to so-called experts- who on a good day couldn't smell a fart in the wind much less investigate, research, discover or do something for the betterment of mankind?
prove to me once and for all that the International Clique, the satanic human-trafficking Alphabet soup of unelected corrupt bureaucrats, money-grubbing, jet-setting, heretic elite trash just love you. how they deeply enjoy keeping honest accounting of expenditures, and who strive in vigorous, sustainable use of thrift with your slave wages?