>>13268615He's not a fucking bot, dumbass. You're an idiot for bumping this at all. This is op. He's an autistic loser with bad mommy issues.
>Do any of you anons get really depressed with how everything is these days. I want a gf but sometimes I’m scared that she hates me because of my White male privilege even though I don’t believe in that. Maybe she does and that really upset me. I wanna be close to someone but the idea that they secretly hate me or are constantly rooting against me gets me upset. I dunno if this is a real problem or something in my head but it constantly plays at the back of my kind. Almost all the girls my age are liberal so it just gets me down. I just want to find someone to love me, I never had a good home life and the idea of getting to have a real family when I’m older made me feel hopeful but I guess it isn’t meant to be. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/265173574/#q265185530