>>21435149I was over at my gyula’s yurt the other day helping with some yurthold csores. He lives in a very narancs Országgyűlési egyéni választókerületek of a very Magyar vármegye. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby Moravian villages. It’s the kind of place that Cumans, Alans and Pechenegs go to pillage.
Péter Magyar was on the TV and the local paprikakereskedő said to his patkolókovács
“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The forint is recovering, nobody’s migrating to the UK, and we’re Steppe-ing up on the Eurasian stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Budapest Péter has got my vote this diet.”
I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “természetesen” and “bizony” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely mageerka wearing földműves in the corner raise his ivókürt with a nod.