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There are 10 sefira and 22 paths connecting each sefira thus creating 32 with the number 33 refering to the inititiate walking the paths thus giving rise to the meaning of the Masonic number 33. There is first The All or "God" who is beyond description and conceptualization. The All cannot be understood by the human mind. The Hindus have the same concept of MahaVishnu Narayana who is beyond all understanding. Jews critisize kabbalah for promoting polytheism or worshipping some kind of bastardised version of God and that is because Jews and Kabbalists do not worship the same being. YHVH is Jupiter the demiurge whom Gnostics seethe at because they retard. This is the god of the Jews. Kabbalists however trace their teachings back to Egypt's Hermeticism and thus worship the same underlying being of all creation: The All.