>>20680088>dead bodies can orgasm; it's just a nerve response.I think your conclusion is not correct or is very specific to a particular context, if it was that simple we would not need any kind of stimuli but that's not the case, to orgasm requiere quite a bit of stimuli even for a guy.
what I suspect is happening in this kinds of "statistics" is that most western countries now define as "rape" misconducts while before the category of "rape" was actually rape a truly horrible thing NOT the kind of thing like
> "oh I was buzzed out that night and I thought this guy was cute and we had sex, but now feel terrible and ashamed, I was raped..."that girl probably had an orgasm and now the data is skew to portrait that women have orgasm during rape
true rape is a horrible thing and is a disservice to women to call "rape" this sexual encounters under the influence that the day after they regret
on the other hand there IS the fantasy of "being taken", and this is kinda normal considering all of human history nature has made it so that the conquering tribe takes the women of the losing side, similar things happen in nature this is not just "toxic patriarcal social norms" the blame is really on nature (or god, or the demiurge...) and this is incorporated into the female psych, now, could a true rape case fall in this category with orgasm included? I think it can but I think only under specific circunstance, and its gonna be difficul to truly settle this and find good data because of the changing legality of what constitutes "rape"
again it is a disservice to women to call everything "rape", it only incites females to live life in continous "doubtfulness" (to incite women to "be wild and free" at the same time promote looseness in the definition of rape)