>>10723446in theory shrooms are okay
but rule number one of shrooms is both feet on the ground so you can let your roots grow
a bit of unstable shaky surface and you're down a spiral
I got some weed on me but I'd ratger have it around as temptation test, I'd rather not consume until I'm ready for shrooms again (but like, shrooms are great for studying and all but I'm not at the levek where I can throw away the exoerience yet in exchange for pleb knowledhe the uni asks from me)
I doubt I'll try again next year, no money, and if by some miraculous providence I manage to finish no prob I really don't want to go down more turbulent path untill I'm psychologicslly more stable
aye, they are pretty
the phone is a tad bit faster as it has 3x the ram than my samsung, but that won't last and besides, I'm not a zoomer and can have near infinite patience sometimes