Quoted By:
>be me
>shithead little kid in grade 7
>be "high school day" or some shit
>basically we got to go to a lot of high schools
>got to pick which one we wanted to go to
>arrive at my second choice
>desperately trying to find someone I recognize
>I was a lonely mfucker and couldn't make friends
>found someone, let's call him Pete
>was following Pete desperately to sit beside him
>he is very average looking and I get confused
>follow someone else instead
>sit beside them loudly yelling
>"how's it going Pete?!"
>random hard with glasses looks at me confused
>attempt to play it off
>"well you're not Pete but maybe you can be just as good"
>kid in front of us goes
>"why are you so mean to our friend"
>mfw I realize the guy I sat beside was autistic
>mfw I realized he was also on a wheelchair
>mfw Pete and my other acquaintances laugh their asses off