>>18367797>>18367797Paule shook her hand effusively, starstruck, she didn´t let it go.
> Ahh, I´m so happy to meet you.> I will do as you say and do everything the coach says as if he was my dad.> That way sure I get to become as good as you.> Ahhh, thank you thank you thank you for the advice.Realizing she had spent the last twenty seconds wobbling the hand of the star to the sides. She stepped back in shame. By then the coach shouted from the ring.
>Rookie come here, get it.Paule, feeling way more relaxed than before and determined to make a good showing in front of Romero stepped into the ring:
> Front bump.Paule fell forward. Face first to the canvas. Nose first to the canvas. Her motionless body stayed in place for a good few seconds, until she raised her face for everyone to see.