>>21136558> The hierarchy pf the races thing is a cope for ugly white incelsImagine my shock at a brown saying these things with absolutely no supporting evidence kek
You live in a white nation because your native homeland is a destitute shithole full of hordes of inferior beings just like yourself. You hate to admit that the reason you need to live in white societies is because your people were too incompetent to create anything similar to what whites have. You’ll try and use the excuse of “muh colonialism made the West what it is today” but we all know that’s bullshit. Whites took shitskins resources and essentially invented the modern world that people enjoy today. Now we’re seeing that as useless shitskins pile into white nations the standard of living decreases due to the society having to babysit these mouth breathing retards.
You’ll always be a useless brown and nothing compared to whites.