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I keep taking these super massive poops. I've been an opiate addict for a long time and while on opiates, you are constipated and many times will not take a shit for 3 or more days in a row despite eating a relatively normal amount. This means that the first shit after those days to even a week or longer is 3+ days worth of poop in one turd. These turds are incredibly painful to shit out, it's literally like pushing a baseball bat out of your asshole and more often than not will tear the skin around your butthole and cause it to bleed. This sounds terrible, but it's kinda nice when that happens because the blood at least lubricates it enough where it slides out a bit easier. I've been on methadone for a while now and the super-massive shits have subsided, but I still have super dense turds that sometimes make my asshole bleed. Is this what being gay is like?