>>8009607>That is actually a myth, about 85% of our foreign aid goes to non govermental associations within the country and not to the country.Well that's good then.
>>8009607>I wouldn't like that because south America has a very large opportunity cost when they are producing steel as their climate is very good for growing tons of shit.Fair enough but we already import tons of fruits from them which I'm fine with so long as Monsanto stays out of it. Forests are cools and we should preserve them. If people wanna chop wood just grow a fucking tree farm bro but I guess China doesn't exactly give a shit about the environment and they're one of the biggest importers of wood.
>>8009607>Correlation is not causation.Tomato Tornado whatever I'm gonna go to bed now.
G'night anon
>>8009620It also helps us arrest people for exposing government corruption but yeah aside from that sucking I guess it does give us an edge in dealing with the moralfag busy bodies of the UN.
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