>>17956836>bad blackpilling experiences both in life and within the company of being treated like complete garbage when I was giving my all that made me completely give up.Same for me but with relationshits instead of work/professional life
This society is essentially rigged, you can't really come out on top by participating
>>17956834Had a decade-long dry spell until the clock got reset for me recently. When i got a gf again (last serious relationshit had been in my late youth) she quickly turned out to be a shallow, materialistic gold-digger whore that's incapable of pair-bonding due to her obscene body count.
Was also extremely entitled constantly glued to her smartphone/instagram too, the whore proved every roastie stereotype i ever read about true (which was bizarre because she purposefully deceived me into thinking she's "totally different" and stuff, AWALT). Naturally, she ended up cheating on me (the "love of her life" as she called me among other things, lol) very first chance she got.
Not ever having sex like a truecel and having sex only to realize how emotionally meaningless it is with modern women are both just as bad in their own way.