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Step 1: We make a new thing that we like, we are happy with the thing.
Step 2: They see us enjoying the thing without them, they feel left out and demand to be included
Step 3: They are welcomed into the thing, because we like the thing and want to share
Step 4: They realize they don't actually like the thing, they just don't like us enjoying a thing without them.
Step 5: They demand the thing change to suit them. Thing is not fun any more.
Step 6: BLOWBACK - We demand they stop trying to change the thing to make it less fun.
Step 7: The thing is declared racist/sexist/homophobic. It is heavily regulated or even outright banned.
Step 8: Thing becomes ironic, we only enjoy the thing in an effort to preserve it even though it has been ruined.
Step 9: We are now sick of the thing as the endless debates and complaints become tiresome. Thing now belongs to them, it is lame.
Step 10: Return to step 1.