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This one is surprisingly good as an alternate history nuclear threat film. It's written and directed by an Israeli-American so you should expect the following:
>retarded racist redneck played by Sean Astin who wants to "crispy critter those sandniggers"
>national security advisor is a black woman
But otherwise the factors of the plot are fascinating:
>"future" 2008
>POTUS dies mid-term, Vice-POTUS is in power for remainder of term and running for re-election
>Jewish, played by Kevin Pollak
>President and staff are stuck in a diner in Bumblefuck during a blizzard
>Uday Hussein is now in charge of Iraq
>leads military into Kuwait and overruns US troops
>Unelected Jewish POTUS announces if Uday doesn't completely surrender, we Tsar Bomba Baghdad
>Surprise, kike! Iraq has nukes pointed at US, Europe, Israel, Japan, etc
It's a hell of a thriller, and the twist at the end really sheds incredible light on what the POTUS is doing. Put simply...it's almost like a Capraesque Neocon fantasy where instead of us being involved in lots of pointless conflicts, we've got most of our military pointed at China and we just threaten countries who do shit we don't like with nuclear annihilation. All taking place in the diner with televisions and satellite phones, it comes off like a stage play and is excellently directed and acted.