Quoted By:
>Be me
>Be 14
>Live in southern California
>With best friend at this time, Kyra
>We were in that edgy punk phase, wore a lot of leather, platform boots, chains, and skirts
>Walking to bookstore one afternoon because it was just 3 blocks away
>Sun was just starting to set a little sooner as the seasons changed, but it was still light out
>Get to crosswalk, wait because traffic
>We're joking around and having a good time talking as we wait
>White car pulls up
>Some beaner
>I can see 2 other men trying to hide low in the backseat
>Sombrero asks if we need a ride, heavily insisting
>Kyra is retarded and starts trying to talk shit to beaner
>Watch him reach for something in console
>Instantly angry
>Grab her arm with one hand and pull out knife with the other hand and aim it at the car
>Tell Kyra to head up the hill to the right of us, leading to a strip mall parking lot with a BK nearby
"Go, Kyra! Fucking go!"
>We hastily walk up the hill, I'm still watching the car with my knife out still
>They fucking burn out like a bat out of Hell so we couldn't get the license plate
>Take refuge in the Burger King
>Kyra is oblivious as to what really just happened and almost happened
>She thinks driver was just a creep
>Mfw she doesn't realize we almost got abducted and sold