Risen from cirno and slowjak spam
and facing the future,
Let us give your (you) for good
int/random /bant/ fatherland!
Old spam is to be saged
and we sage it united
Because we must shitpost
so the anons, autistic as ever
in /bant/'s lands reply!
in /bant/'s lands reply!
Peace from /pol/eddit be granted
To /bant/ our fatherland
Even unironic faggots long for peace
Extend your hand to the Australians
If brotherly we unite ourselves
we will drive out the redditfag
Let the light of your screen shine
So that a post never again,
Gets 404'd
Gets 404'd
Let the mods rest while we shitpost
to gets dubs and trips like never before
And confident in immanent strength,
a free board rises up
OP, best threads and posts
of our anons united in you
You will become /bant/'s new posters
And the light of your screen, bright as ever
Over /bant/'s lands shine!
Over /bant/'s lands shine!
To the melody of