>>19033743>[Omega jumps slightly as Hisakuma speaks.]"Fuck me dead."
>[Whoops.]"I mean, shit, I didn't think you could actually speak. Uh, hi. How is your face? Don't worry about that little shit. If she comes back here I'LL HIT HER WITH A KNEE THAT RATTLES HER CHILDREN'S BRAINS. Or, just, like, call the cops. Have they got a Japanese Police Girl over here?"
"But I really am happy to go and get anything. Meds or bandages or whatever. I've really gotta get some new clothes while I'm here anyway, especially since On- the fucking Imp here stole my glasses. And I figured we could check out the Dojo? I mean, I could check out the Dojo, I don't care what you two do. I'm just here to make sure the Imp doesn't do something stupid... like punch the Fox."
"Goddess above, you really did that, didn't you?"