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>Freudian Personality Test
Your Freudian Personality Style is:
Vain, aggressive, and self-centered, you are preoccupied with matters of power and dominance. Metaphorically, your personality style may be described as the five-year-old who discovered that his genitals were able to provide him with a sense of pleasure, and who was immensely proud to have made this discovery. Flaunting his genitals to the world and believing himself to be special because of them, the five-year-old you did not learn to associate achievement with effort, thinking instead that achievement was something that followed passively from one's intrinsic magnificence. As a result, the adult you has an easy time convincing himself that he is superior to others and often feels entitled to special treatment, even though you may have developed little in the way of actual skills to act as a foundation for your affected superiority.
Additionally, the five-year-old you mistook the pleasurable sensations that his genitals were able to provide for the very reason for having genitals, knowing nothing about their wider reproductive purposes. In the same way, the adult you is often confused with regards to his own thoughts and motivations, steering mindlessly towards praise and gratification, while ignoring the wider questions of fairness and reciprocity. Since in your mind, success depends on intrinsic magnificence, and not on conscious effort, you are wont to believe that any criticism of you, or denial of gratification that you feel entitled to, is really is a denial of your intrinsic worth and a mean-spirited attempt to take it away - a castration attempt, as it were. Hence, the adult you tends to lose all sense of proportion when criticized, overreacting and responding in full force to even the mildest of criticisms.
So it looks like I'm 5, a jew told me so it has to be true