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I fucking hate everything about the septic cunts.
You ever sat back and really examined the average Seppo?
The name "Seppo" has never suited them more than it does right now in history...
Think about it...
What does an American do?
They don't form opinions of their own do they?
All the American can do is consume someone else's shit until they become full enough to leak that shit out of their overflow pipe and into the next Seppo...
What you don't believe me?
Look at your elections Seppos...
Look at your MSM...
You dumb fucks are so controlled that you write heart filled songs about pedophile politicians as if their job is saving kittens and then you lot go off and riot in the streets when your political party man doesn't win and you didn't get your way...
Boohoo waa fukken waa right?
Diddums gotta cry....
I am fucking sick of America, Nothing you cunts ever do will make me respect America again, your country is finished.
Nothing but left over dick dribble from a better time.