>>4779830Sadly Major Keyhoe, isnt just the starting point, it's the ending for point me too at least publically. Unless you can have comfy chat with the scottish autist, he's not really open to talking about that stuff anymore though. I think something to do with him preferring to stay alive helps. He said alot of stuff when he had the media lime light back in the day (all checks out), now the media attention has gone, he's tighter than a duck's ass and probably watched.
https://twitter.com/GaryMcKinnonUK?lang=enIn regards to Major Keyhoe, you can see how the disinformation campaigns worked early on. You can see the media making straw men arguments against him and putting words into his mouth about Marsians and asking him to speculate on them to conflate craziness his rather sombre and very accurate reporting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqy0rRnKIoQMy claim to fame is seeing a UFO near me here I suspect they were trialling the RQ-180 (not pic)
pic is x47b which again looks like a UFO