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Autos are populare here because the demographic driving the market do not care about driving, in fact they see it as an inconvinence-- a means to an end.
Enter Octomom:
>obese undocumented immigrant with 15 kids
>can barely see over the steering wheel
>jibbering in spanish as she merges without signaling
>drives only to the grocery store to load up the van with EBT-purchased grub for her litter and to the hospital to have more kids
Enter the Amerilard
>muh truck
>cupholders can accomidate x6 72oz cup
>Talking on the phone while eating Luther Burger while smoking cigarette and drinking soda, while driving
>not enough hands to shift
Enter the Virgin
>Drives generic japanese econo-car
>hybrid or electric, if able to afford. Covered in Bernie stickers
>Unironically supports driverless cars
>Parking gear is a button
>Sits close to steering wheel
>Phone suction-cupped to the windshield, mostly blocking vision
>Both hands on the wheel at all times
>Sucks at driving despite trying hard
Enter the Chad
>Buys new Camero
>financed at 20% because fuck it beam me up Scotty
>"I step on the gas and that shit go fast bro"
There's not a big market for people that truly enjoy driving beyond the occasional step on the gas and go fast for a bit.