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Thread for all NATO countries, and friends of NATO (e.g. Ukraine and Sweden).
How are you this evening, NATO friends?
Invited: /cum/ (Mexico can join I guess), /brit/, /fr/, /deutsch/, /sauna/, /sverigetråden/, /norgetråden/, /nederdraad/, /esp/, /pt/, /éire/ (you're not in NATO but you can join anyway), /danmarktråden/, /føroyar/, /isl/, /skandi/, /fo/, /balt/, /polska/, /v4/, /kurva anyátok/, /hrv/, /slo/, /ex-yu/, /ita/, /hell/, /gr/, /cpб/, /srb/ (okay Serbia is not NATO but you can join anyway), /ukr/ (Ukraine is not NATO but you can join), /mol/, (also not NATO, but welcome) /pl/, /malta/ (not NATO, but welcome), /benelux/, /lux/, /cz/, /sk/, /cz-sk/, /bos/ (not NATO, but welcome), /mac/, /balk/, /ro/, /cyp/ (not NATO, but welcome), /tr/, /бг/, /alb/, /ch/, /arm/, /ge/, /az/, /ქართ/ (these last few aren't NATO, but welcome anyway)