>>14327189I've seen real combat and its far more hardcore than you imagine it will be. Its the constant tension that is exhausting. You're either hyped to fuck on adrenaline for days or more exhausted than you ever imagined possible - and you can switch from one mode to the other in seconds. Its mostly days and days filled with nothing much, a lot of waiting, walking, crouching - the endless fucking crouching which is a real problem for me with thick legs. Then when the shit kicks off its as sudden and unexpected as a knock on the door, time slows down like you wouldnt believe, your brain goes into 4k mode, you can see every speck of dust in the air in slow motion. Thee sound is terrific and then there's the stench: the awful smells of war cannot be described - everything absolutely fucking stinks, you stink, your mates stink, the air stinks and the acrid smoke never seems to fade - you can taste death and filth everywhere.
Happy to be comfy as a gen-x and sit this one out with popcorn and a beer.
Good luck drafties