>>9976005>and a threat that christcucks fail to deal withEurope had no problem with detecting and dealing with the threat from Islam and Muslim Ummah. Compare that to Europe now when you atheist and pagan boomers took over.
>which is why they're "successfulChristendom conquered and dominated the whole world without polygamy. Islam was never ever "successful", traitor. They turned EVERY single great civilization into Islamic third world hell holes, from the great Egyptian, Persian Assyrian Empires to great Byzantine civilization.
>Which is retarded and matriarchalMarriage based on love and not force/rape is matriarchal? What kind of weak degenerate are you? Are you unable to make a woman fall in love with you, pagan trash? Honorable and strong Christian men will unavoidable make pure and Godly Christian ladies fall in love with them. Pic related. Sucks to be an atheist ape and pagan pervert.
>atheism being dysfunctional but that's only because it's the product of Jewish intellectualsFalse. Atheism is dysfunctional due to moral relativism and subjective morality LOGICALLY inherent within atheism, giving us the stupid my-truth and your-truth garbage that is plaguing the West today. Paganism with no single God and lawmaker has the same problem.