Java Ed. IP:
bantcraft.gaBedrock Ed. IP:
bedrock.bantcraft.gaDynmap (Java World Map): (Coming Soon):
https://www.bantcraft.gaDiscord: Use the /discord command in-game or Website
Old thread:
>>6974441Image: The German Reich
Java Edition 1.13.2 Semi Vanilla. Plugins: Home/Spawn Teleport, GriefPrevention/Land Claims, Lockette, BetterSleep, mcMMO, ShopKeepers, Dungeons, Trading and Dynmap. Optifine for 1.13.2 and more than 4GB allocated for Minecraft is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
READ THE RULES AT SPAWN. Afterwords please crouch in the elevator to the second or third floor to exit the tower.
Bedrock Edition Latest Semi Vanilla. Plugins: Still being added. Upcoming: GriefPrevention/Land Claims and Lockette. Updates on more plugins here and in Discord
Rules will be added at spawn soon.
No hacking, niggering or attempting to emulate Detroit.
State of the Server: I have officially opened the Bedrock edition of the server for testing. While most of the work will be done in the Java edition when it comes to features, Bedrock Edition users will be able to connect in any supported cross-platform device. The world in the Bedrock edition will be a backup of the Java world. All areas must be claimed individually in a first come first serve basis with the exception of the WTC (server owned). Chests and other storage compartments will not be transferred over. However, if there are any difficulties cause by porting the server map to Bedrock, I will start a clean map and just port over the WTC and make it the spawn point. As of now, I will be resuming my Ownership of the Java edition server and continue updating both editions as fast as I can.
Friendly reminder for cracked accounts/clients: This server does not officially support either types of login methods for those who don't have legit accounts. While cracked clients are completely useless, cracked accounts may work but you are neither guaranteed successful logins or support.