>>323942810 year reunion after high school happened.
I talked to the girls i used to know. It was the first reunion after they reached their peak, when they had no dick bonus anymore.
Suddenly i realized that the girl i once had a crush on is just dumb as fuck, not interesting at all, shallow and has no personality. Same with all other girls.
We went to school together, some of them probably were better than i was... but now i realized that they just stopped their personal development when they went out of school and some even declined. The "smart girl" from school is suddenly a dumb brick. And they all are just sooo boring!
Since i got out of school, i found many nice hobbies and interests. I spend some of my free time on learning new things and trying to improve myself, just because i like it or because i would be bored without it.
I just realized that all women i know don't have any hobbies. They just aren't able to be interested in anything. Their development stops right after school. I never saw any interesting women. They were all shallow and boring. Nothing special, nothing strange, no interests and even the emotions are fake.
Just think about it, do you know any classic female hobby?
40 years ago you would have said cooking, sewing, some gardening. But today? If they do cooking, it is just because without food they would die, but not because they are interested or want to improve. Sewing and shit like that is dead today.
Sex and Love (sometimes fake) is the only thing they can offer.