>>20716923>>20716927A lump forms in Kelly’s throat as she thinks of Sheila being left laid out in her home by Cassie. Sheila hadn’t mentioned that, instead focusing on the way Cassie had targeted Sola. Kelly sighs.
Normally she wouldn’t dare talk back to a woman like Cassie Kade, especially when she’s in a mood like this. But she couldn’t stay silent while Cassie dismissed Sheila as some sort of liability.
>Fine, I’ll go. But before I do, I want you to know that you’re wrong about Sheila. When we spoke about you, she never once mentioned what you did to her. Only what you did to Sola Fire. Because she had Sola’s back, and what she cared about first and foremost was making things right for her friend.>If I’d known exactly what you did to her, I wouldn’t have asked her to be our partner. It wouldn’t have felt fair to ask that of her. >But I didn’t know exactly why you two had issues, so I did ask. And despite everything, she said yes, because she has my back, and what she cares about is trying to help make things right after Kanako started this whole thing by attacking me with a pipe. Even if it means helping a woman who wronged her in the process. >And honestly? Now I know just how far things went between you two, I think the fact she’d still do that must be the nicest most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me.>So whatever happens in that cage, it won’t be because Sheila let us down. She's the best partner anyone could ever ask for.