>>20335804No ... I mean REMOVE them. From this plane of existence. Let them meet their desert djinn god in person. Which incidentally seems to be your god as well. The spread of technology and the development of the British Empire would have happened due to Aryan excellence even if Christianity had not invaded Europe. The introduction of a lingua franca through a shared publication was inevitable, but that your holy book was used is incidental to the phenomenon.
My adoption of National Socialism occurred concurrent with my growing awareness of the jewish threat, not because of it. I had already been aware for some years that America's system of democratic republic is failing even when I didn't know the cause. Plenty of other systems of governance have been tried throughout history, but NatSoc only existed for a dozen years in one place. And in that time, the nation recovered from the worst economic depression ever up to that point faster than anyone else, going from rampant hyperinflation to a stable economy and booming industry in half that time. The other half was spent fighting for survival, and it took the British Empire along with all its dominions, America, the USSR, and France's colonial holdings combined to finally bring down the Third Reich.
National Socialism isn't the answer to the jewish cancer. It's the answer to waning Aryan pride and achievement.