>>12385214Jewish in the core. Freemasonry is kikery at the core. Framing people into "mental illness" is kikery at the core. Happens to people with freegaysons in tgeir family up to silencing whistleblowers and genuine spiritual people. Also memeflag so probably won't get much other than committing to the defamation of literal crazies opposed to the people experiencing this shit. Also jews are most prone to actual schizophrenia, which is often literal possession from sucking baby penis and defying God.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26198764/Furthermore, these pozzed kikes tip off mafia and hoodlums to box free thinkers and anything that does not fit their agenda.
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/revealed-how-gangs-used-freemasons-corrupt-police-9054670.htmlDon't be a globohomo.