>>15656992Don't start talking shit. I've seen what passes for "British" these days. And it's a big country. For every big city thst had faggots knealing, there were dozens of small and medium sized cities where people gunned up and told them to fuck off. I was especially proud of the local PD. When BLM turned up, they turned out in plate carriers and government surplus M16s. They explained to the protest leaders that while they didn't have the budget for non lethal arms like tear gas and rubber bullets, the military had graciously supplied them with surplus automatic rifles. They made it clear that if things got violent, they would start shooting. Shockingly, there was no burning and looting. It's hard to over emphasize how pervasive gun culture is in the South. Oddly, it the one cultural issue (((they))) have never made any headway on here.